

A Web-Log or Blog, as it is affectionately known today, was designed to be a platform where individuals could post random thoughts and stories and share them through the internet.   

Whether you love blogs or hate them, the fact remains that blogs are changing the way we do business.   Customers are savvy and utilize internet search engines to locate information about products, services and companies.  They also look for tips, advice and general information about a variety of topics and subjects. 

It is important to note that blogging is NOT usually a method of direct advertising; however, exceptions can apply.  A well written blog engages your target audience, establishes you as an expert in your field and can ultimately drive traffic to your website or place of business.  The goal of a blog is to attract readers to become followers.  Followers like what they have read and choose to be notified of your next intriguing entry. 

Blogging requires time and time is a luxury that many business owners, particularly small business owners, do not have.  This is why many businesses are choosing to save time and money by utilizing professional writers to ghost-write their blogs.  Your approved blog copy can simply be pasted it into your existing blog.  You can then share your blog link through social media sites, printed materials and websites; the written material belongs to YOU.    

To learn more about ghost-blogging for your business, visit www.writefunding.com .

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