
Business Correspondence - Reflection of Professionalism

A well written letter can serve as a very effective sales tool for any business; particularly a small business. Business correspondence that is creative and professionally constructed can open doors and pave the way for personal meetings which can help foster business relationships and ultimately lead to sales.
Unfortunately, business correspondence, in many cases, no longer reflects the image of professionalism. Email and text abbreviations have helped create a superficial acceptance of spelling errors, misplaced acronyms and, yes, even inappropriate verbiage.
Written correspondence is a direct reflection of your business. Sloppy structure, bad grammar and spelling errors imply a careless attitude and a lack of respect for the product or service you provide.
·         Proofread all correspondence before it leaves the office. Utilize spell check but refrain from relying upon it.
·         When possible, limit written communications to one page. Business correspondence should be constructed to intrigue, engage or invite further contact.
·         Avoid form letters. Personalize by incorporating mail merge technology. When in doubt, contact the company and ask for a name and title.
·         Professionally printed stationary and business cards help present an image of success.
·         The last paragraph of a letter should list email or direct phone contact information.
·         Personally sign correspondence.  Stamped signatures can suggest that the recipient is not worth your time.
Review business correspondence from a customer perspective. A GREAT first impression can be the beginning of a long, prosperous business relationship. It is simply a matter of respecting the process!

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